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How to remove Pain Anxiety Overstated

Written By Sepatu on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 10.56

Restlessness and anxiety are part of the usual psychological disorders experienced by someone. Anxiety or so-called anxiety can occur when the body's defense system is physically and mentally due to a threatening situation terganggau.

As quoted from PPCNews, anxiety or restlessness experienced by a person turned out to be bad for health. Situation that often occurs suddenly can cause problems as muscle tension, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in the light level. Autonomic nervous system will increase the heart rate, blood pressure and sweat gland activity, respiratory system, digestive tract system and bladder.

For that, do not be surprised if you are experiencing anxiety often spend a lot of sweat or even frequent trips to the toilet. Usually they are experiencing anxiety also experience tension, facial flushing, chest pounding, short breathing, profuse sweating, and the desire to defecate or small.

Then, if excessive anxiety or anxiety can be regarded as a disease? If you experience anxiety in mild or moderate level, this is still arguably reasonable and even beneficial to human life. However, if kondisinnya can cause severe adverse situations.

Many things can cause this disorder. Physical diseases such as menopause, diabetes, and coronary heart disease could be one trigger. Neurologic disorders such as vertigo, migraines, seizures and respiratory tract disorders such as asthma, pulmonary embolism as well as other psychiatric disorders such as dementia and depression can also be the cause.

When anxiety is often hit you should handle slowly. Learning is more relaxed and controlling stress with relaxation can be a potent drug. Not only helps to better enjoy life, but also very good for heart health long term.

Another advantage of the relaxation of which slow the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, slowed breathing, increases blood flow to large muscles, reduce anger and frustration and to increase confidence when facing problems.

Some relaxation techniques that you can feel the benefits from yoga, tai chi, listening to music, exercise, meditation, hypnosis and massage regularly.
10.56 | 0 komentar | Read More

Danger Watch TV More Than 4 Hours Daily

Spends his time watching television at home during holidays can be a fun option. However, it helps you stay sober with no belama-long sitting in front of the screen. Why is that?

Scientists in Scotland found that people who spend time in front of the television two hours to four hours a day, will increase the risk of heart disease and premature death, quoted from the pages of the Times of India.

In other words, the risk of disease attacked them twice as likely, compared with people who only spent less than two hours a day sitting in front of the monitor screen.

The study involved 4512 adults in Scotland. They were asked to reveal how often watch television. Then, the results were compared and found those who spend two hours to four hours in front of the television have an increased risk of heart attack up to 125 percent.

According to the study, the risk was not influenced by other factors, such as smoking, social levels, high blood pressure also how often to exercise.

The findings are then published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in January 2011. These findings not only apply to people who watch television, but also in those who had a habit of lingering in front of computer screens and video games.
10.55 | 0 komentar | Read More

Poison Spider Can Cure Impotence

Many ways to cure impotence in men. One way is to take advantage of Brazil poisonous spider. It turns out toxins from the spider Phoneutria species nigrivente, can trigger an erection in men.

Once a wild spider bite, from the study proved to have side effects, including erection of a four-hour length. Eight-legged animals are also known as the banana spider is a unique animal that lived in Central America and South America.

The team of researchers from the Medical College of Georgia, United States, believe that the species is likely to be developed to cure erectile dysfunction.

"Poison spider Phoneutria nigriventer very much a joint containing molecules. These molecules are called toxins, which have different functions. When a person is bitten by a spider, we can observe a variety of symptoms, including priapism, a condition in which the male sex organs continue to experience erection, "said Dr. Kenia Nunes, one researcher, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Side effects of spider venom, among others, loss of muscle control, difficulty breathing and if the victim is not treated with anti-toxin, can lead to death from lack of oxygen. But according to Dr. Nunes, unusual effects of the toxin can be used to treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

In his research, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Dr.. Nunes conducted experiments using mice. Mice given the challenges of an erection with a little stimulation in order to be given his blood pressure rising. A peptide called PnTx2-6 was given to mice, which then achieve an erection as well as free of side effects.

"We found that the poison was triggered erections in rats with hypertension who experience severe erectile dysfunction. Toxin that can normalize erectile dysfunction in mice," said Dr.. Nunes.

Although it can be overcome impotence, spider venom works differently with drugs such as Viagra. "This is good because we know that some patients do not respond to conventional therapy. These toxins could be an alternative treatment for them," said Dr.. Nunes.
10.53 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cancer Detection Through Nails

Detecting the disease through the toenails can be an alternative to find out if there are nested seeds of cancer in your body.

Recognizing the potential of cancer simply by observing the texture of the toenails is the latest breakthrough in anticipation of the disease before they become worse, taken from the pages of The Sun.

The research team University of San Diego, Calif., believe in it after doing research on a group of smokers and nonsmokers or passive. They measured levels of nicotine through the nail samples.

The result, addicts cigarettes were three times more likely to develop lung cancer than people who smoke only occasionally in his life or even a passive smoker.

This study reveals a person who has the seeds of cancer, then the nails will grow abnormally, which grows about one centimeter per year. This growth is much slower than a normal nail growth. It gives guidance to those affected by long-term cigarette smoke exposure at greater risk of cancer.

So, beware if you find anomalies and abnormalities in your nails. Consult with your doctor, could be the best way when you feel there's something wrong with the texture of your nails.
10.44 | 0 komentar | Read More

Excessive sugar because it can harm

Who would not like the sweetness of sugar. Almost all food and beverages also contain sugar. Starting from breakfast to dessert menu contains a sweet taste.

Indeed, sugars provide energy and pleasure. But remember, too, over-consuming it can be detrimental to the health and ruin your diet program.

Although the condition is like that, does not mean you are prohibited from eating foods that contain sugar. Only, there needs to be defined, quoted from the pages of the Times Of India.

You need to realize that in the juices, sauces, jams, jellies, cakes, puddings, honey, and ice cream which is a quick source of calories, sugar.

Excess calorie intake not only lead to a rapid increase in body weight, but also lead to obesity are major risk factors of diabetes and heart disease.

For those of you who are active do not need to worry because your system is able to burn many calories. But for those who have diabetes, you should really control your intake of sugars and carbohydrates so that blood sugar levels under control.

The trend is happening lately, more and more people who love to eat packaged food and soft drinks. When accumulated, it turns out the intake of sugar into the body can reach nearly 20 tablespoons per day!

That was far from the level of sugar consumption is recommended WHO, namely a maximum of 12 teaspoons of sugar (48 grams) in a 2200 calorie diet for normal people, in other words, about 9 percent of your daily calories.

Sugars can be naturally contained in food, especially fresh fruits. Therefore, you do not actually need the extra sugar. Sugar you consume will be converted into glucose in the blood, and gives you energy.

The American Heart Association recommends that a woman's intake of added sugars should be no more than six teaspoons a day (100 calories), for men nine teaspoons (150 calories) per day.

When you eat packaged foods, check labels nutritional value. Find out how much carbohydrate content and the words that end in 'ose' or 'ol,' glucose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, mannitol, sorbitol, all of which is a form of sugar. Corn, sorghum and fructose syrup is usually added as a sweetener for beverages. Honey, molasses and brown sugar, it also provides additional calories.

"According to health experts, two to 10 grams of sugar plus added per 100 grams of food is a moderate amount of sugar, seven grams of sugar, equal to one tablespoon of sugar," says Dr Parul R Sheth, a biochemist.
10.43 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ways to Banish Stress on Weekends

Want to be healthy? From now consider doing gardening activities. Gardening can provide tremendous benefits for both body and soul. This activity is known as horticulture therapy.

Horticultural therapy has been known since the nineteenth century coined by Dr. Benjamin Rush, as quoted from the pages of She Knows. Dr. Rush was nicknamed "Father of American Psychiatry."

Dr. Rush believed it will bring up the effect of calming the mind, especially for people who suffer from mental illness. Of beautiful gardens radiate positive energy to those who view and enjoy it.

Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association (CHTA) also revealed that horticultural therapy can improve social welfare, spiritual, physical, and emotional person.

Today, horticultural therapy is recognized everywhere as a useful alternative therapy to help the healing process by promoting happiness, peace, and contentment. Also, it can boost morale for the physically disabled and psychologically.

"This therapy typically use a simple way, namely by doing gardening activity that works to increase physical function, cognitive, emotional and social development," said Margaret Nevett, horticultural therapist.

The narrowness of the yard for gardening not be an obstacle. Indeed, this can make a person trying to stay alive even though the plant on land that is minimal. Gardening, Nevett said, it also teaches responsibility and commitment to continue keeping it flourish.

"Horticultural Therapy brings individuals closer to the mysteries of life," said Nevett. "Gardening can provide meaningful work, providing the opportunity to make decisions, develop cognitive skills and become part of the community. In the garden of sensory stimulation can slow the effects of dementia, stimulates memory and helps overcome chronic conditions."

According to the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), "This therapy can provide opportunities for individuals to better connect with nature."

The medical community recognizes the greatness of this therapy. There are many professional organizations in various countries that implement them. One of them at the Homewood Health Centre, a psychiatric hospital with 312 beds in 47 acres of land in Guelph, Ontario.

Setting the park property, including a rocky path, useful for recovering patients who suffer from addiction, schizophrenia, depression, eating disorders, dementia, trauma, and various mental health problems.

If interested in horticulture therapy without a professional therapist, you can start by making a simple garden in the yard.
10.41 | 0 komentar | Read More

Easy Ways to Overcome Acid Stomach

Increased levels of stomach acid conditions is very disturbing. This occurs when expenditure (secretion) excessive acid in the gastric glands.

When secretion occurs more than usual, the chest will feel the heat or often called heartburn. Consumption of spicy foods often become the trigger. So you do not tormented stomach acid, to know how to easily prevent and overcome them, as reported by the Times of India.

- Avoid sodas and caffeine
For a while, you should avoid consumption of soft drinks and caffeine. Both triggers the production of stomach acid. Drink warm milk or herbal tea instead.

- Warm water
Expand the consumption of warm water. Drink a glass of warm water every morning after waking up.

- Consumption of fruit
Bananas, watermelon, cucumber is a fruit that can reduce production of stomach acid. We recommend that you eat fruit every day.

- Time to eat before bed
You should eat two or three hours before bedtime. This is to reduce the risk of excessive gastric acid secretion.

- Do not put off eating
The distance is long between meals also trigger stomach acid. Let's not put off eating. Better consumption of foods in small amounts but more often than mealtime very long distances.

- Chewing gum
Try chewing gum to stimulate saliva production (saliva). Saliva helps move food through the esophageal tract and can relieve heartburn.

- Ginger
Ginger is very effective to relieve digestive problems. You can eat ginger in cooking, powder or capsule.
10.35 | 0 komentar | Read More
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